ModuFlex vs Paint

Superior Durability

Floor paint can chip and wear away, especially under vehicle weight. ModuFlex AirRib tiles are designed to resist these common issues. They withstand stains, spills, and tire marks, maintaining their appearance and integrity far better than painted floors.

Effortless Installation

Floor paint requires extensive preparation, including cleaning, etching, and drying. ModuFlex AirRib tiles, on the other hand, offer a DIY-friendly installation. They snap together easily, avoiding the mess and time consumption associated with painting floors.

Aesthetic Advantage

Painted floors often have limited design options and can suffer from uneven application. ModuFlex AirRib tiles come in various colours and styles, providing a consistently high-quality and aesthetically pleasing look without the need for regular touch-ups.


Painted floors are not suited for heavy equipment and can be damaged by chemical spills. ModuFlex AirRib tiles are robust and versatile, suitable for various environments where floor paint would be impractical due to its susceptibility to damage.

Ease of Maintenance

Floor paint requires regular maintenance, including touch-ups and careful cleaning to avoid staining. ModuFlex AirRib tiles simplify maintenance; they're easy to clean and if a tile is damaged, it can be replaced individually, unlike painted floors which may need complete reapplication.

Cost-Effectiveness Over Paint

Considering the longevity and low maintenance of ModuFlex AirRib tiles, they are more cost-effective in the long run compared to floor paint, which requires frequent reapplication and maintenance.

Design Flexibility
Compared to Paint

Floor paint offers limited customization options. ModuFlex AirRib tiles provide a wide range of design possibilities, allowing for personalization and style updates that painted floors cannot match.

Reliability and Warranty
Superior to Paint

Floor paint can have inconsistent results and a shorter warranty period. ModuFlex AirRib tiles come with a satisfaction guarantee and a 15-year warranty, offering peace of mind and reliability that floor paint often lacks.

Safety and Slip
Resistance Over Paint

Floor paint can become slippery when wet, posing a hazard. ModuFlex AirRib tiles feature a slip-resistant design, providing a safer surface, especially in wet conditions.

UV Resistance Compared to Paint

Painted floors can discolour and degrade under UV exposure. ModuFlex AirRib tiles include UV stabilizers, making them fade-resistant and suitable for areas with sunlight exposure, unlike floor paint that may yellow or weaken over time.